PREVIEW: Wednesday, January 29th from 12-6 p.m.
PICKUP: Thursday, January 30th from 12-6 p.m.
Gun Terms:
Age Requirements: An individual who is at least 18 years of age may purchase firearms and ammunition for rifles or shotguns. However, for firearms other than rifles and shotguns and ammunition for such other guns, the minimum age requirement is 21 years.
United States Citizen Requirement: A bidder must be a legal resident of the United States to bid on firearms.
Sales to Non-Kentucky Residents: Out-of-state bidders of guns may bid on firearms so long as they comply with the laws of their state. Ford Brothers, Inc. may conduct over-the-counter transactions of rifles or shotguns with non-residents who come to our Mt. Vernon, Kentucky office location and complete the correct paperwork and background check. We WILL NOT make over-the-counter transactions of handguns (or any other firearm other than a shotgun or rifle) to a non-Kentucky resident. However, Ford Brothers, Inc. may ship guns to another FFL in your state where that Licensee will take responsibility for transferring your firearm to you. We cannot ship guns to individuals.
Cost of Shipping Firearms to another FFL Dealer: The purchaser of firearms that must be shipped to another FFL is responsible for the cost of shipping and handling of those firearms. Firearms will only be shipped via UPS due to the tightening of laws and regulations.
Shipping Ammunition to Purchasers: All ammunition will be shipped via UPS. We cannot ship ammunition of multiple calibers together in the same box and each box will have a weight limit of 66 pounds. Anything over 66 pounds will have to ship in a separate box.
Firearms Transaction Record: Individuals who hold the winning bid on guns will have to complete a Firearms Transaction Record Part I – Over-the-Counter form in the presence of Ford Brothers, Inc. staff at our location and have a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check performed online or over the telephone at same time before taking possession of those guns. If you hold an active Concealed Deadly Weapons License, you will not need to complete a background check but will need to complete a Firearms Transaction Record Part I – Over-the-Counter form as specified above. If you do not have a Concealed Deadly Weapons license, we still require that you have a State issue Driver's License.
Responsibility of Purchase & NICS Background Check: Make sure that you are eligible to own firearms before bidding.
As an FFL, Ford Brothers, Inc. is required to stop the transaction of a firearm if information provided by the purchaser in the Firearms Transaction Record gives us reason to believe that a person is prohibited from the purchase of firearms. In this case, we will stop the transaction process and NOT proceed with the NICS background check. If the outcome of a bidder’s NICS background check does not allow us to proceed with the transfer of the firearm to that bidder, the bidder is still responsible for payment of the firearm which he/she was the high bidder on. Again, make sure you are eligible to own firearms before bidding.
If a NICS background check results in a “Proceed” response, Ford Brothers, Inc. will transfer the firearm(s) directly to the person whom the NICS check was performed on. Ford Brothers, Inc. WILL NOT give the firearm(s) to a spouse, relative, or any other individual.
If a NICS background check results in a “Deny” response, the bidder will still be responsible for payment of their firearms purchase as outlined in the terms of this auction. The NICS system is a descriptor-based name search and it is possible for purchasers to be erroneously denied. We will provide a purchaser who feels he/she has been erroneously denied with information on the appeals process.
If a NICS background check results in a “Delay” response, the bidder will still be responsible for payment of their firearms purchase as outlined in the terms of this auction. Again, the NICS system is a descriptor-based name search and sometimes time is needed to differentiate the true purchaser from other individuals with the same name, etc. If no further response is received by Ford Brothers, Inc., the firearm may be transferred after 5 business days.
Straw Purchases: Be advised that it is illegal to make a “straw purchase” of a firearm. A straw purchase is when the actual buyer of a firearm uses another person to execute the paperwork necessary to purchase a firearm from an FFL. If Ford Brothers, Inc. has reason to believe that a bidder has made a straw purchase, the bidder will be held responsible for payment of his/her bids and will NOT receive the firearm.
Gun Purchaser: We require the person who is paying for the firearm, to be the person who pickups the gun, fills out the paperwork and passes the background check.